Makueni: Hyena attacks Grade 1 pupil on his way to school

Makueni: Hyena attacks Grade 1 pupil on his way to school

The boy was heading to school at 6am when he was attached by the hyena. Photo: Martin Ngeleso/Citizen Digital/Courtesy.

A Grade One pupil is nursing injuries to the head after he was attacked by a marauding hyena in Kiumoni village, Kathonzweni sub-county, in Makueni county.

According to the boy's mother, Mama Mary Kavata, her child was attacked while heading to school at around 6 am.

“My son was in the company of his elder brothers and two other schoolmates when they were attacked,” said Mama Kavata.

Two other children sustained minor injuries during the incident – but were stable.

Speaking about the incident, The Kenya National Union of Teacher (KNUT) Secretary, Makueni Region, Mr. Benson Ndambuki, said that teachers and learners in areas bordering Tsavo National Park are living in fear following invasion of wildlife in areas occupied by humans.

The officials have threatened to shut down schools in areas affected by human-wildlife conflict in the county if nothing is done to correct the situation.

"We are appealing to the Kenya Wildlife Service officers to take necessary measures to avoid human-wildlife conflict in this area,” said Ndambuki.

Adding: “We are asking them to also take full responsibility and pay all medical bills for the child who was attacked by the hyena.”

The boy is said to be responding well to treatment at the Makueni Referral Hospital.

This year alone, according to reports, three people have been killed by elephants in Makueni County, and property worth millions of shillings destroyed by wild animals. 


Kenya Wildlife Service Kiumoni village Kathonzweni sub-county in Makueni county Kenya National Union of Teacher (KNUT) human-wildlife conflict elephants

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