Mara Sugar beat Mathare Utd to bag NSL title

Mara Sugar beat Mathare Utd to bag NSL title

Mara Sugar are the National Super League after a 1-0 win against second placed Mathare United

The lone goal was scored in the first minute of second half by Joseph Okwenda.

Mathare United who also booked a slot in top league next season now sit comfortably in second place - five points behind Mara Sugar who have 84 points.

In Mombasa, Mombasa Stars winless streak was extended to five games after they were held to a goalless draw By Vihiga Bullets at Serani Grounds.

Vihiga Bullets settled quickly in the game, striker Lawrence Ouma 30th minute shot went inches over the top bar.

Visitors dominated better part of first half, five minutes to end of the half number Ouma again forced Stars goalkeeper Said Dhadho to a reflex safe to deny the visitors the lead

The home side Mombasa Stars registered their first shot on target in the last minute of first half; Karisa Samson fired a 20-yard shot but was denied by Bullets goalkeeper Brian Odhiambo.

 In the second half, visitors had clear chances through Thomas Omole but failed to capitalize.

Both teams settled for a barren draw, Stars sitting on 11th position with 49 points while Vihiga safely in 14th position on 41 points.

Vihiga Bullets head coach Andrew Ongwaeis  happy, stating they played according to how they planned.

"We knew it would be a hard game, but we had no pressure since we are out of the relegation area and I think that promoted my boys to fight hard for a point away.”

On his side, Mohammed Madaga said they were unlucky not to get the maximum points but said they will capitalise on the last game against Mathare United away.

"We have tried very hard to get a winner but we were just unlucky, it was indeed a very tough game for my boys but I congratulate them we have neutraulised them."


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Mathare United Mara Sugar

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