'Working relationship with Governor Orengo is getting worse,' Siaya DG Oduol tells Senate

'Working relationship with Governor Orengo is getting worse,' Siaya DG Oduol tells Senate

A side by side image of Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol and Siaya Governor James Orengo. PHOTO/COURTESY

Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol has said that his working relationship with Governor James Orengo has worsened since he was threatened with being ousted from office. 

Making his submissions before the Standing Committee on Devolution and Inter-Governmental Relations on Thursday, Oduol noted that the county government has incessantly frustrated him by denying him facilitation fees and allowances.

Oduol claims that Governor Orengo has used goons to lock his office, rendering it incapacitated, and preventing him from executing his duties.

He laments that attempts to report the incidents have turned futile and that is why he chose to escalate the matter to the committee.

"I would make sure that the Governor has visibility of all these letters and the County Assembly including the committee in charge of oversight. I have requisition for allowances for me and my staff here, they have never been paid," he said.

The committee has deliberated to also hear Orengo's defense as it seeks to mediate the duo's fallout.

Oduol survived impeachment in June last year after he faced allegations of gross violation of the Constitution and abuse of office following a bitter split with Governor Orengo.

Oduol has even said that he is ready to work with the Kenya Kwanza government after members from the Orange Democratic Party (ODM), his party, disowned him on the grounds that he disrespected his boss.


William Oduol James Orengo Citizen Digital

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