Woman dies after allegedly jumping off apartment balcony in Lang’ata

Woman dies after allegedly jumping off apartment balcony in Lang’ata

REUTERS/Sergio Flores

A 28-year-old woman died on Sunday after allegedly jumping off the balcony of her third-floor apartment in Nairobi’s Lang’ata area.

The caretaker of Ascort Apartments told police that the lady, who lived alone, jumped off the balcony some minutes before 6 am, attracting the attention of neighbours when they heard a thud.

Police found the deceased's body lying at the back of the apartment block. They termed the incident a case of suspected suicide.

“The scene has been processed by crime scene personnel and the body which had no physical injury but blood oozing from the nose has been moved to the city mortuary awaiting post-mortem and further police action,” read a report from the Lang’ata police station.


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