Madaraka Day Celebrations: What to expect

Madaraka Day Celebrations: What to expect

President Uhuru Kenyatta will host his final Madaraka Day celebrations as Head of State on Wednesday, an event that will be attended by Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Wonie Bio and his wife Fatima Bio, who are on a five-day state visit to Kenya.

The event will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday with the arrival of guests at the Uhuru Gardens.

The Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Kibochi, will arrive around 10 a.m., followed by service commanders.

Around 10.30 a.m., Cabinet secretaries, the Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court, as well as National Assembly and Senate Spekers, will arrive.

Thereafter, the guard of honour will march into position at around 10.40, with deputy president William Ruto expected to arrive at the venue at around 10.45. 

President Uhuru Kenyatta and the First Lady Margaret Kenyatta will leave State House at around 10.45 and make  their entrance at around 10.55. 

They will be met by the Chief of Defence Forces who will escort the Head of State to the Ceremonial Vehicle; the First Lady will be escorted to the Presidential dais. 

Following that, President Kenyatta will greet the guests before ascending the ceremonial dais.

President Kenyatta will inspect the Guard of Honour before proceeding to the Presidential dais after the National Anthem and the East African Community Anthem.

Following that, Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and National Police Service contingents will march past.

Nairobi Governor Anne Kananu will make welcoming remarks after a mechanised column drive by, a fly past by KDF aircraft and prayers respectively. 

Thereafter, Deputy President William Ruto will address the event before inviting the President to address the Nation.

President Kenyatta will close the days event with his address. 

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