UNEA delegates agree on 15 resolutions for environment conservation

UNEA delegates agree on 15 resolutions for environment conservation

At least 15 resolutions on conservation and a ministerial declaration have been agreed upon after a five-day meeting at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Gigiri.

Acknowledging all delegations for their constructive engagement in the negotiations over the last 10 days, the outgoing sixth President of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) Ms. Leila Benali is happy for the effort and work each has contributed.


“We have agreed on 15 resolutions, 2 decisions and a ministerial declaration. Yes, multilateralism is under pressure, and yes we, at UNEA-6, have truly made multilateralism work at its best,” she said.


According to Leila, the success of the declaration would rely on multilateral cooperation, international solidarity, collective intelligence and forging meaningful partnerships among governments, the private sector, science, finance and society as a whole.


She explained that developing countries would benefit from the resolution which calls for an integrated approach to water resources management in agriculture and industry, and scale-up means of implementation


“Also, the resolution on air pollution which focuses on enhancing national air quality monitoring, capacity building, coordinating efforts to develop and implement air quality action plans and policies is equally important,” added Leila.


Other resolutions agreed include the resolution on land degradation that calls member states to promote land conservation and sustainable land management, contribute to land degradation neutrality and enhance drought resilience.


Another is ocean and seas governance which calls for the necessity to strengthen the ocean science-policy interface and to continue cooperation and coordination on marine issues among all relevant to deliver coherently on Sustainable Development Goal 14.


UNEA-6 focused on effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution will be a moment to advance the global environmental agenda, building on the pledges made at the fifth session (UNEA-5) and on the numerous environmental processes.


Also, the Ministerial Declaration adopted reflects the great urgency of the environmental planetary crisis, and the differentiated impact and threats of the multiple environmental challenges we face.


Abdallah Ali Amri, who was elected as the new president of UNEA-7 expressed gratitude for the great trust bestowed upon Sultane of Oman to lead the next stage of the journey of defending the environment.


“In our quest to confront the monumental environmental challenges of our time-climate, change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, there is but one path forward: teamwork. We share one Earth, and bask under the same sun, and we must recognize that there is no backup plan. There's no other planet waiting for us to escape to,” explained Amri, the Chairman of the Environment Authority in the Sultanate of Oman.


Inger Andersen, the Executive Director of UNEP, reiterated the importance of working together through the multilateralism spirit.


“Madam President has gavelled 15 resolutions and two decisions, which cover important aspects of the triple planetary crisis. You asked for advances in securing the metals and minerals needed for the transition to net-zero. You called for the world to do better on protecting the environment during and after conflicts. You delivered resolutions that will help UNEP and member states do more on chemicals and waste, sand and dust storms,” said Inger.


Inger explained, that among the issues the resolution will address is desertification land restoration. They also have a ministerial declaration that affirms the international community’s strong intent to slow climate change, restore nature and land, and create a pollution-free world.


Inger noted, “The world needs action, speed and lasting change. UNEA-6 has delivered an extra boost to help us deliver this change and to ensure every person on this planet enjoys the right to a safe and healthy environment.”


While addressing the closing session at UNEA-6, Environment Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya thanked the delegates for their exemplary job in agreeing on the way forward to tackle the triple planetary crisis.


“To the delegates, the energy and enthusiasm you brought to Nairobi and UNEA -6 cannot go unnoticed. Special appreciation to all of you for the tireless work put in.”


She said Kenya is deeply committed to multilateralism as one of the ways to effectively address the global climate crisis. 


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