Three camel herders arrested after woman shot dead in Tigania

Three camel herders arrested after woman shot dead in Tigania

Kandebene village,Tigania West constituency in meru county is in mourning following the death of Ruth Kagwiria, the latest victim of what is shaping up to be the direct result of the ongoing drought in the country

Kagwiria was shot dead on Saturday night right outside her house

The killing comes as conflict between herders and farmers continues to escalate amongst counties hardest hit by the drought.

"Wafugaji wa ngamia walivamia maboma zetu, ngamia zikakuja zikaingia kwa mashamba yetu, zikaanza kukula, wananchi waliposikia wakatokea kusikia ni nini, na walipotokea mama mmoja akapigwa risas," Nathif Juma, a resident told Citizen TV. 

Herders have been moving in search of pasture and water for their animals, putting them at loggerheads with the host communities.

 Just last week, similar conflicts were reported along the kitui garissa border as well as garissa tana river border, with the herders accused of invading farm lands

Police officers who responded to the residents' distress calls had a hard time convincing them to allow them take the body of the deceased to the mortuary. 

The residents repulsed them, for the better part of the morning before they were eventually allowed to move it. 

Security personel in the area say they have nabbed three suspects and confiscated 174 camels from the fleeing attackers.

This comes as the leadership from neighbouring Isiolo, the governor included, called for more tolerance amongst the two communities

"Tafadhalini musione kwamba tukija, wafugaji wetu, when our livestock come to your counties, wasiwafanyie vibaya, they should be accomodated because this is a crisis which is natural, it's not in our hands, and this is the life of the people, they move with their livestock, wasiwafukuze, wasiwafanyie vibaya," Isiolo Governor  Abdi Hassan said. 

This is just the latest incident in the area as tensions continue to rise due to the conflict between the farmers residing in the county and camel herders from Isiolo. The residents accuse the herders of invading their farms and destroying their crop as the animals feed indiscriminately on the farmers crops...

The incidence has escalated the tension in the area as the residents are in fear of further attacks or retaliation from the bandits after the camels seizure. 


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