‘Siombi msamaha!’ MP Mutai says doesn’t regret supporting 2024 Finance Bill

‘Siombi msamaha!’ MP Mutai says doesn’t regret supporting 2024 Finance Bill

Kuresoi North MP Alfred Mutai. | PHOTO: State Dept For Environment/X

Kuresoi North MP Alfred Mutai has condemned Molo constituents for attacking and destroying the home of their MP, Kuria Kimani for supporting the unpopular Finance Bill 2024. 

Addressing his constituents in a roadside meet-up, Mutai said he does not regret voting 'Yes' to the Bill. 

"Right now the Molo MP cannot hold a rally like this one. I voted Yes na siombi msamaha. Because I knew that Yes would bring this road, that Yes would bring development here," Mutai said.

He warned Molo constituency residents that they would regret attacking their MP and opposing the Finance Bill, claiming they would not benefit from development. 

"If there is a constituency that has really benefited, then it is Molo constituency. There is no bad road in Molo, every part of Molo has power connectivity. But if destroying their MP's property is how they give back, ole wao!" Mutai asserted. 

He added that if the Molo constituents do not want their MP to hold the National Assembly Finance Committee chairmanship, then President Ruto can "hand it to the Kuresoi constituency because they are ready for development."

Mutai warned that the recent cleansing prayers conducted by the clergy at Kuria's home would have consequences for the attackers.

"We condemn the attack and pray that the cleansing will do something to those who destroyed Kuria's property. Why steal chicken and cattle, and burn cars?" he quipped.

Kuria Kimani is among some of the MPs whose homes and property were attacked and destroyed by angry Kenyans over their support for the Finance Bill.

The Bill has since been dropped by President William Ruto, who nonetheless insists that it was good for the country. 

Ruto changed his hard-line stance when protestors stormed parliament and destroyed property, setting some parts on fire on June 25.


Kimani Kuria Molo MP Finance Bill 2024 Kuresoi North MP Alfred Mutai

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