Senate probes death of child who chocked on seed but doctors removed her teeth

Senate probes death of child who chocked on seed but doctors removed her teeth


The Senate Committee on Health is hearing a petition on medical negligence at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) which lead to the death of a child in May 2021. 

The minor’s mother seeks justice at the Senate, saying the death has caused her pain, loss and damages. She also decries the rudeness from doctors at the health facility. 

According to Mercy Jepchirchir, her daughter Annita Chepkorir was chocked by a seed in January 2021, and rushed to Mediheal hospital in Eldoret. The patient was then referred to MTRH to undergo a bronchoscopy procedure. 

The report from MTRH showed no evidence of the seed, yet the patient continued to have respiratory complications. 

After an unsuccessful gastrogafin study, Annita underwent a CT scan on January 19, which showed a foreign body on her right bronchi. 

When she underwent surgery, the doctors said there was no seed in her body, but instead, a tooth lodged inside her right lung.

“On receiving Annita at theatre recovery room, Dr. Ernest Nshom said it was Not seed according to what Annita had said and her mother but Dr. Ernest said that they found a tooth. He added that he had also pulled 2 teeth from Annita's mouth 2 upper incisors in the theatre which deemed loose in child's mouth according to his (Dr. Ernest) analysis. So Annita two fresh teeth gaps after the operation,” Mercy submits. 

The bereaved mother said they only saw the two teeth pulled from the child’s mouth, but not onbe said to have been lodged in her lung. 

On further questioning, Mercy says one Dr. Alfred Wanyonyi told them not to question further and appreciate what doctors had done. 

“The doctor continued threatening us that if we continue asking questions that he will even charge us for the teeth extraction,” she further says, adding that the child continued to cough, experience fever and difficulty in breathing. 

After several hospital visits, the child coughed and fainted in May 2021, was rushed to MTRH and pronounced dead on arrival. 

An autopsy on Annita’s body found a seed on the right bronchi and lung had been badly damaged. 

The family says they later met the MTRH management, where the doctors admitted to have pulled two teeth and not three as earlier stated. 

Mercy seeks justice from the Senate for the negligence and misdiagnosis. 


Senate Citizen TV Citizen Digital MTRH

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