President Ruto says absentee landlords in Mombasa to be bought off
President William Ruto has said that soon absentee Mombasa landlords will be bought off and their
parcels of land subdivided and given to landless residents in the area.
The President, who begun a
five-day tour of the Coast on Thursday, also promised a litany of programmes
aimed at uplifting the youth of the region especially the jobless.
The Head of State took the time
to speak to the hearts and minds of residents telling them that soon, some Ksh.1
billion earmarked for redistribution of land owned by absentee landlords will
be put to use.
ya absentee landlords tutashughulikia…Budget tulipitisha bilioni moja ya
kuanzisha hawa malandlords hii ardhi tuwagawie wananchi waache kuishi kama squatter,”
he said.
Governor Abdulswamad Shariff added: “Tunaomba baadhi ya mabwenyenye
tumezungumza na financial institutions, watu wakilipa landrates, watu waweze
kuwa na ardhi yao.”
The President said that during
his stay, he will be unveiling an affordable housing project, with plans to launch
more in the coming year.
tunaanza affordable housing Mombasa County. Nyumba za kwanza 5,000 naanza
safari hii. Januari 10,000…tunahitaji vijana kati ya 5,000 and 10,000…mko
tayari?” He posed.
With five counties of the Coast
connected through the Indian Ocean, President Ruto said more resources will be
invested in the fishing industry, keen on value addition.
na milioni mia saba ya wavuvi wa kaunti hizi tano. Tumesema, tunajenga landing
sites 11 hapa Pwani…Bahari iko na raslimali ya karibu Ksh.100 billion kila
mwaka,” he noted.
The President spoke ahead of
Britain’s King Charles tour of Mombasa, that will coincide with his stay at the
Coast, as he added that Kenya’s global efforts are bearing fruit for the local
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