President Ruto officially initiates Finance Bill withdrawal process

President Ruto officially initiates Finance Bill withdrawal process

President William Ruto assents to the Division of Revenue Bill, 2024 and the Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2024. Photo/PCS.

President William Ruto has submitted a Memorandum of Referral to National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, officially initiating the process to have the controversial Finance Bill 2024/25 withdrawn.

Ruto verbally withdrew the contentious bill on Wednesday, sparking debates on whether he had the constitutional powers to do so, given that Parliament went on recess earlier in the day and would resume regular sittings on Tuesday, July 23.

According to clause 6 of the Constitution, if the president refuses to sign a bill and fails to return it to Parliament within 14 days, the bill will be considered law, and as such, Ruto had to officially initiate the process by writing to Speaker Wetangula.

"The Finance Bill, 2024, was presented to me for Presidential Assent in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution on June 26, 2024. Taking into consideration the widespread expression of dissatisfaction by members of the public on the contents of the Finance Bill, 2024," said Ruto in the referral.

"Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred to me by Article (115) (1)(b) of the constitution and having reservations on the contents of the Bill in its entirety, I decline to assent to the Finance Bill, 2024 and refer the bill for consideration by the National Assembly with the recommendation for the deletion of all the clauses thereof."

Ruto's recommendation must be passed by a two-thirds majority in Parliament for the bill to be withdrawn in its entirety.


Citizen Digital William Ruto Moses Wetangula Finance Bill

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