President Kenyatta skips DP Ruto in protocol breach during Madaraka celebrations

President Kenyatta skips DP Ruto in protocol breach during Madaraka celebrations

President Kenyatta during the Madaraka Day celebrations. Photo/PSCU

The political war between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto was on display again during the Madaraka day celebrations.

President Kenyatta took over the proceedings after the military showcase and general entertainment to celebrate Kenya’s 59th year of self rule.

Immediately after entertainment was done, President Kenyatta presided over the state investiture where a select group of Kenyans are awarded several State honours.

After the end of the state investitures, President Kenyatta asked his aide for his speech as his presidential lectern was brought to the dais.

The Head of State then took over the proceedings starting by recognising the invited guests before inviting Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio.

This was a break from tradition where a select Kenyan leaders both government and political are called upon to give a speech.

The Deputy President is usually the defacto Master of Ceremony when invites high-level guests to speak and in the case where there is an invited head of state, he hands over to the President.

But that was not the case this time round, the President invited Mr. Bio and after his short speech, Mr. Kenyatta went straight to his speech locking out anybody who may have been preparing to talk.

It was not immediately clear as to why the President took this drastic move but it is not lost on many that it was more political than anything else.

Earlier in the morning the president held a small ceremony at State House with members of the cabinet and it is unclear whether the Deputy President was present.

Ruto's Spokesman Emmanuel Talam confirmed that Mr. Ruto was not invited to State House Madaraka day celebration

The small event, which was held ahead of the main one at the Uhuru Gardens, saw all the Cabinet Secretaries, Attorney General Kihara Kariuki and senior staff at Statehouse in attendance.

Talam said that was the reason why DP Ruto headed to the main event earlier than other government officials.

“He wasn't invited to the State House event,” Talam told the Daily Nation.

In his brief speech during the event, President Kenyatta lauded the Cabinet Secretaries for an exemplary job they have executed while serving with him.
He exuded confidence that in his 10-year tenure, he has laid the right cornerstone to a greater nation.

"I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you, we have worked well together," President Kenyatta told the Cabinet Secretaries.

"It was a pleasure and an honour to have you with us and I am confident that we have laid a firm foundation for those who shall come after to continue a bigger and brighter Kenya from where we have left off. God bless Kenya."


Uhuru Kenyatta DP Ruto Madaraka day

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