Police officer who deserted duty 8 years ago after surviving bomb attack reinstated

A police officer who disappeared from his job at the National Police Service (NPS) after his colleagues were shot dead has been recalled back to duty.

Clement Erumu, who was deployed to the Elwak Police Station in Mandera at the time of the life-changing attack 8 years ago, will report to the police headquarters - Vigilance House, Nairobi - for counselling before he is re-deployed.

An Improvised Explosive Device attack in Mandera County left five of his colleagues dead and though he survived, the events left him disturbed.

“Nimeitwa Nairobi kwa ofisi ya ushauri nasaha kwenda for social-psycho support stress free,” he said.

His wife Irene Nabuin said: “Naambia mzee kama Mungu amekuja aende kazi, akumbuke vile tulikuwa tunaishi, tulikuwa tumepata shida, afanye kazi atukumbuke hapa nyumbani.”

Before the NPS recalled him, Citizen TV highlighted the plight of the officer who had been employed as a construction worker at a site in his village Lorugum Loima, Turkana County, as he was struggling to make ends meet.

"Mimi hapa nategemea mjengo, saa zingine nachota maji ya watu, wakati mwingine nafanya kibarua ndio at least nipate kitu, watoto wamekuwa wakubwa mwingine yuko class 8,” he said in January.

“He has undergone stress and rejection from friends and relatives since the media aired the issue, many people have come to understand that Clement is a disciplined boy,” said Thomas Tukei, his neighbour.

Clement's future appears brighter things are starting to look up for him. He says fellow police officers can learn from his experience and seek help as opposed to leaving their jobs and battling despair in silence.

“Polisi mnapitia maneno kama haya, suluhu iko. I am a testament and I appreciate,” said Clement.

National Police Service Counsellor Moses Kimenchu, on his part, said, “Tukuwe na meeting kidogo aangaliwe, atengenezwe kidogo ziwekwe mpya na naona jamaa ako tayari na amejiaccept na mwishowe arudi kwa barabara na kikosi.”

Clement, who is ready for the engagement with counsellors from Monday, remains hopeful that after undergoing counselling to deal with his fears, he will be back in the police force, serving his country.


Citizen Digital Turkana NPS Clement Erumu

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