Museveni says he's tempted to do push-ups as Covid symptoms get mild

Museveni says he's tempted to do push-ups as Covid symptoms get mild

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, in the now-frequent updates of his health status after testing positive for Covid-19 on June 7, said that he is getting better and receiving prime treatment at his home.

Taking to social media Saturday evening, President Museveni said that he is experiencing mild symptoms compared to previous days and has even contemplated taking up physical workouts but he is also careful to not aggravate the infection.

He further noted that the house confinement he has been subjected to has aided him to apprise himself with piling paperwork.

"The coronavirus, by domesticating me, is helping me to catch up with my paperwork. The symptoms are more mild than yesterday. In the night, slight throbbing (enkuratima) in the ruhoorahoore area of the head. This is the part of the head that has a gap in children. Also, some slight roughness on the throat," he wrote on Twitter.

"Otherwise, I am even tempted to do my push-ups, but common sense reminds me not to disturb the biochemistry of the body where the war with the enemy (the virus) is going on with additional strains on the body."

The three-decade-serving president went on to note that he is observing all health measures to regain full immunity, adding that he dreads falling ill since he "detest[s] missing the struggle for Africa’s freedom."

"Our grand fathers’ generation (the founders of the ANC of South Africa in 1912, George Padamore, W.B. Dubois, Kabalega, etc.), our fathers’ generation (Nkurumah, Kenyatta, Nyerere, Mandela, etc.), our own generation (Samora Machel, Ngaraang, etc.), our children’s and grandchildren’s generations, are generations of the African anti- colonial resistance for Africa to survive and thrive," he wrote.

"Our health is, therefore, a weapon in the fight against imperialism and all Africa’s enemies. You cannot fight when you are sick as well as you can fight when you are healthy."

He also clarified that he is not bed-ridden but house-confined, adding that his wife, Janet, is safe from the virus.

"Maama Janet was tested on the 7th evening and all the tests were negative (rapid, PCR, etc.). We thank God for that. We have, therefore, been using different parts of the house ever since," he said.

President Museveni lauded Ugandans for sending in their quick-recovery wishes.


President Museveni Covid-19 Citizen TV Citizen Digital

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