Manyatta MP Mukunji defends voting NO on Finance Bill

Manyatta MP Mukunji defends voting NO on Finance Bill

Manyatta MP Gitonga Mukunji in an interview with Citizen TV on April 18, 2024.

Manyatta Member of Parliament Gitonga Mukunji has defended his stand on the Finance Bill 2024 stating that voting 'No' to the bill was in the best interests of the nation.

Mukunji noted that being a member of the ruling party, he has the obligation of telling President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua the truth which is that the public is not in support of the 2024 finance bill.

He was speaking on Saturday at Githegi Primary School in Kithimu ward during the handing over ceremony of new renovated classrooms by NG –CDF.

Mukunji said that those not telling the president that a majority of Kenyans are against the bill, want the president to fail.

He observed that as an elected member he has an independent mind and his decision to vote NO to the bill should not be used to intimidate him or to castigate him.

Mukunji assured his constituents that his development agenda would continue.


Gitonga Mukunji Finance Bill

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