Kiambu teacher wants school boys to get free underwear as girls are given sanitary towels

Kiambu teacher wants school boys to get free underwear as girls are given sanitary towels

A teacher in Kiambu County is now asking for the government to provide the boy child with free undergarments.

Speaking during a pad drive in Benson Njau primary school on Monday, she said that the boy child should be provided with these free items to accommodate and include them in the drive to sensitize learners on sanitation.

“ The boys should not say they have been left out of this initiative as it’s for women only. They need to understand that for women menstrual flow is part of bodily functions that they have no control over. However, the government in a bid to include them should provide them with free underwear.”

She added that this will be vital as many come from backgrounds where buying the clothing items proves to be difficult, due to the many financial burdens they face.

Kiambu Woman Representative Anne Wamuratha, who was also present at the drive, stated that sanitary towels should be tax-free to make them more affordable.

“The women in Parliament have decided to push the agenda of affordability of sanitary towels for all women in all counties of Kenya,” said Wamuratha.

She added that in a bid to push this initiative further, the agenda has been pushed from the sector of Education and has been moved to Gender.


Citizen TV Citizen Digital Anne Wamuratha

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