Kericho MCAs walk out of President Ruto's function over claims they are a 'security threat'

Kericho MCAs walk out of President Ruto's function over claims they are a 'security threat'

President William Ruto speaks at KICC during the formalisation of Boda Boda through SACCOs on June 26, 2023. PHOTO | PCS

Members of County Assembly (MCAs) in Kericho on Wednesday walked out of an event, where President William Ruto is set to commission Duka Moja and Kimugu water treatment plants.

The MCAs alleged that they were instructed to vacate the precincts of the project by the president's security and handlers for being what was termed as a 'security threat' to the Head of State.

Ruto was yet to arrive at the venue when the incident happened.

"We were told that we are a security threat we move outside, and so we are moving out so that we give them space," said one of the MCAs.

President Ruto will commission the Ksh. 1.2 billion Water Project with a 50km pipeline which will supply clean piped water to over 200,000 households in Ainamoi, Belgut and Kipkelion East constituencies.

According to Kericho governor Eric Mutai, the mega project was constructed through a joint partnership between the national and county government will supply 13 million litres of water daily.

Mutai said the project, which began seven years ago through the funding from KFW bank, will assist in boosting the water supply to Kericho town and will supplement the existing Kapcheptoror Water Project which supplies water to the town and its environs.


Citizen TV Citizen Digital President Ruto Duka Moja Kimugu water treatment plant

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