‘Kenya is in crisis... people now need to push back,’ All Saints Cathedral Provost Evans Omollo says

All Saints Cathedral Provost Evans Omollo

All Saints Cathedral Provost Evans Omollo says it is now time for Kenyans to cease tolerating the current economic situation in the country and push for a change before it is too late.

Rev Omollo who spoke on Citizen TV’s JKlive Show on Wednesday termed the dire situation in the country a 'crisis', reiterating that it was time for citizens to demand for accountability from the leaders.

According to the provost, Kenyans continue to remain calm in the face of a looming disaster in the country that could degenerate into a terrible situation as witnessed in some African countries.

“We truly are in a crisis as a country and people who pride themselves to be holding leadership positions whether in public service or in the private sector or in religious institutions or elsewhere I think all of us collectively should be worried that we are heading potentially for disaster if there is no immediate corrective measures taken then we may see terrible things happening in the likes of Tunisia, Libya or other countries in the East,” he said.

“I think Kenyans are patient and potentially overpatient. If we were in another country, we wouldn’t be sitting and smiling and still going to fuel and running things.”

He added: “I think there is a need for a little pushback because those sitting on the spaces of making decisions are taking Kenyans a little for granted. When you see the rhetoric that is made to deceive and not to portray the real picture as a scapegoat to covering themselves.”

Omollo pointed blame at the political leaders whom he accuses of openly deceiving Kenyans amidst harsh economic times, especially regarding the increased fuel prices.

“I think it is time to push back a little so that a few things can change in this country because we cannot keep absorbing and the saddest thing is that these are laced with lies…people are just lying and lying,” he stated.

“If you touch on fuel everything else changes because fuel prices are the elephant in the room. The spiral effect means the economy continues to go down and the mental issues increase,” the clergyman pointed out.

The Dean of Aga Khan University Medical College Prof. Lukoye Atwoli chimed in to concur with the provost labeling the situation in the country an exploded time bomb.

Citing the ongoing recent cases of violence and suicides witnessed across the nation, Prof Atwoli pointed out that it was a warning sign that Kenyans are now desperate.

“This is an exploded time bomb, it is not ticking anymore, it has been ticking for decades and has reached a place where there is desperation that is obviously spilling out into the fields and streets and we see it when we have a national disagreement,” he said.

“We are now feeling the after-effects. These are effects of things which have been simmering over time in the entire country. how we are set up as a country.”

Likewise, former Senator Sylvia Kasanga on her part echoed Atwoli’s remarks asserting that, “This is a ticking time bomb. I am so worried for our young people; if this is what are going through, there must be a time sitting somewhere ready to rectify this situation."


Citizen Digital Economy Citizen TV Kenya Provost Evans Omollo

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