‘I’m not travelling like a tourist, I am looking for jobs,’ President Ruto says on his foreign trips

‘I’m not travelling like a tourist, I am looking for jobs,’ President Ruto says on his foreign trips

President William Ruto. PHOTO|COURTESY

President William Ruto has defended his frequent foreign trips, maintaining that they are beneficial to the country and will bring goodies to Kenyans.

Speaking on Saturday during a Thanksgiving Mass at Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School in Kisii County, the president fired back at critics saying his visits abroad were solely made for the good of his people.

He underscored that his visits were not for leisure but were focused on creating jobs and lobbying for investments.

“Most people have been wondering what is the President going to do here and there; I am not travelling as a tourist, I am travelling kupanga mambo ya Kenya, to create jobs and investments across the globe,” he said.

“I have gone to Germany, Canada, Saudi Arabia and many other regions have promised me jobs. Now I have to plan for the jobs and ensure the youths are aligned to work in those countries.”

President Ruto went on to reveal that by February, about 10,000 Kenyans would be travelling abroad for jobs he had been promised in many of the countries he has visited.

This, he said, would help to create revenue for the country in line with his administration’s goal of providing one million jobs in the diaspora and creating 200,000 digital jobs in the country.

“In the next one and half months, we will have 10,000 Kenyans who are going to work abroad and it is going to continue until we hit the target of one million Kenyans working abroad so that they bring into the country more dollars so that the exchange rate is no longer a problem,” he noted.

“You have seen me touring different countries. Currently, we have a room to employ over 200,000 youths on the digital space. That is why we are putting up infrastructure to create the jobs.”

The head of state thus implored the public to be patient for results, reiterating that one cannot plan to create jobs while seated at State House and that he was confident of reviving the economy.

 “Very soon, you will start seeing the things which have been planned. All this work needs a lot of planning. Or do you think I can make all those plans while seated in Surgoi or Nairobi?” He posed.

“In 2027, we will meet just as Arati has said and everybody will show they work to Kenyans. So relax, mambo yako jikoni.”


Citizen TV Kisii Citizen Digital President William Ruto

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