‘Good girls go nowhere, be bad like me!’ MP Millie Odhiambo advises young women

Suba North Member of Parliament Millie Odhiambo has advised young girls and women to take a rebellious path in life and avoid being bound by societal expectations to be "good" all the time.

Speaking on the floor of the National Assembly on Wednesday, Millie was responding to an earlier remark by Speaker Moses Wetangula directed at her to be a good role model to the younger female generation and guide them towards being good and humble women.

The outspoken legislator however trashed the advice, telling young girls – matter of factly - that being “good” does not necessarily mean that they will end up where they want to or deserve in life.

While citing the bestselling book ‘Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office’ by American author Lois P Finkel, she instead advised the younger girls to adopt a ‘don’t care’ attitude like her and just maybe the world will see their mettle.

The MP went ahead to credit her perceived “bad” attitude for her highly successful political journey, which has seen her presently serving her forth stint in Parliament.

“One of my favourite books is ‘Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office.’ Mr. Speaker, this is in response to what you were telling me earlier in the morning, when you were urging me to be a good example to the girls,” she said.

“Mr. Speaker, if they’re good girls, they’ll never get the corner office, be as bad as Millie Odhiambo, you will be the mother of this House. I am a bad girl, and as a bad girl I’m here serving my forth term; so do not be cheated like the African culture where you’re told have decorum, dress nicely, be kind, be nice…I’m telling you you’ll go nowhere, be a bad girl like me and you’ll get somewhere.”


Millie Odhiambo Parliament Moses Wetangula Citizen Digital Good girls

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