Fate of 300K flood victims in limbo as Gov’t set to shut down 200 camps

The government has embarked on the process of shutting down close to 200 camps hosting over 300,000 victims displaced by floods in recent months.

The East Africa Community and ASAL’s Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza says two camps in Mai Mahiu, where over 60 people died and 161 were displaced a month ago after a seasonal dam burst in the Old Kijabe area, are among the camps set for closure.

Malonza, who paid a visit to Mai Mahiu victims on Wednesday, donated 1,500 iron sheets to the displaced persons, further asserting that the government will fulfil its promise on resettling the victims on parcels of land bought by the State.

“There are 179 active camps in the country. Our ministry will resettle them and not just camps in Nakuru. We are planning a long-term resettlement plan,” she said.

She added that Mai Mahiu flood victims will be allowed to farm on their parcels of land during the dry season.

The CS, while revealing that 52 people across the country were still missing after they were swept away by flash floods, promised affected families that a search operation by KDF and NYS officers will continue until all bodies are recovered.

“We will give psychological support and intensify. It is a need we need to address to resettle children in schools,” she said.

Religious leaders present called on the government to honour its promise to resettle the victims.

“We want the government to deliver the promises it made in regards to resettling and providing for the displaced persons,” Lucy Ngunjiri, founder of Beyond Boundaries, said.

“We need to come together as religious leaders and Kenyans to support our fellow citizens in any way that we can,” Sam Munga, another religious leader, said.

More than 300 people have died and more than 300,000 families have been displaced within 32 counties due to flash floods.


Citizen Digital Floods Peninah Malonza IDP Camps

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