Ezra Chiloba suspended as CA Director General

Communications Authority Director General Ezra Chiloba. PHOTO|COURTESY.

Ezra Chiloba has been suspended as the Director General of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA).

Chiloba's suspension was announced on Monday evening in an internal memo issued by the authority's chairperson Mary Mungai.

Following Chiloba's suspension,  Mr. Christopher Wambua has been appointed as  Director General in Acting Capacity effective today until further notice.

"Following a meeting of the Authority's Board held on 18th September 2023, resulting in the suspension of the Director General, I am pleased to inform all staff of the appointment of Mr. Christopher Wambua as a Director General in Acting Capacity effective today until further notice," reads the memo in part.

The reason behind Chiloba's suspension was not immediately announced.

Chiloba, who previously served as IEBC CEO, was appointed as Director General of the CA in September 2021. He was set to hold the position for a 4-year renewable term.


Ezra Chiloba

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