Archbishop Muheria urges legislators to reject Finance Bill 2024

Archbishop Muheria urges legislators to reject Finance Bill 2024

Catholic Archbishop Anthony Muheria

Nyeri Catholic Archdiocese Archbishop Anthony Muheria has called on members of parliament to reject the Finance Bill in its entirety, stating that it is unfair for the government to impose unfavorable tax measures on already overburdened Kenyans. 

The Archbishop also expressed concern about politicians' continued use of the church as a verbal attack platform.

The Catholic Church has now urged members of parliament to vote on the 2024/2025 Financial Bill independently, free from pressure from political parties, with the bill scheduled to be tabled on the House floor on Tuesday following a week-long break.

"Let us be guided by conscience, let nothing else influence our decision. Listen to the people and forget about the political divisions and pressures," Muheria said. 

"This is not about which side or political persuasion you’re on; it’s about the good and welfare of Kenyans. Let us vote and legislate for what best serves more than 80% of this country."

Speaking in Nyeri, Archbishop Muheria denounced the government for failing to acknowledge the hardships that Kenyans are facing as a result of the current harsh economic climate.

"The disdain and disregard for the opinions that have been given need reflection. Our government and leaders at all levels must listen to what Kenyans have said," Muheria stated. 

"Bulldozing ideas because they think it is the right thing is not the way to go. There must be a better way to reach the same goals. Government, people, church—all of us have the same objective: the welfare of our country."

Muheria urged the government to seek alternative ways of raising revenue instead of imposing disjointed tax plans on Kenyans. "Our leadership must reflect on whether they are really at the service of the people or just achieving their own goals," he said. "In this context, the Finance Bill is overtaxing Kenyans. These disordered, disconnected, disjointed plans of increasing taxes and looking for new areas of taxes should be more organic and systemic."

The rising political temperatures and the use of the pulpit by politicians on Sundays also do not sit well with Muheria, who feels the church is failing Kenyans. "It is saddening and embarrassing that we can stand before God as if we own the place, which is God's place, and mock Him. No, no, no. Dear leaders, we must change. Our political leaders, you must change," Muheria admonished.


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