Anti-Finance Bill protests: Cry for justice as Narok family mourns son's fatal shooting

Anti-Finance Bill protests: Cry for justice as Narok family mourns son's fatal shooting

Family of late Mike Brian Kasaine. PHOTO|COURTESY

The family of Mike Brian Kasaine are struggling to come to terms with the loss of their son following Wednesday’s explosive encounter between Narok anti-riot police and the fearless Gen Z youth which allegedly led to him being shot to death.

According to his family, the fire-blazing youth had overpowered the men in uniform and had pushed them closer to the Narok police gate where the late met his fate while in combat with his crew.

Mary Nyanchoka is a mother in pain as she narrated how the day started well on for fate to strike her son who she had hopes in and worst the police denied on several occasions having shot or known anything in connection to the case.

"When darkness fell, at around 7 pm, my son did not come home…We went to the hospital to look for him but hatukumpata. We went to the police but officers said nobody had been arrested. Yesterday niliamkia tena 6 am Kwenda hosi I did not find him and also at the police station,” she lamented.

“Now I just want to know who shot and killed my son and what he did to deserve such.”

Kelvin Mzee, brother to Mike said the late got a B+ in his KCSE last year in Nyamira’s St Peters Nyakemincha Secondary School and was set to join Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University but according to him, a dream set to uplift them has been shattered.

“He completed his KCSE exams last year and was supposed to join university this year. He left home at around 4 pm…si ati siku yake ilikua imefika lakini, how come the officers who are supposed to protect us are at the frontline in killing us? We want justice to be done,” He said.

Joscar Rioki an aunt to the late could hot hold back emotion as she repeatedly expressed hope for justice.

“I am bitter for my nephew…I want the government to look at us..May God protect us cause I dontb know what to say at this point,” said Rioki.

At least two people are feared dead in Wednesday’s clashes.


Narok Protests Citizen Digital Finance Bill 2024 Mike Brian Kasaine

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