Kenyan Tiktok family ignites heated debate over their 'cheap' lifestyle

Kenyan Tiktok family ignites heated debate over their 'cheap' lifestyle

Despite the obviously humble surroundings, the couple appears to be happy and in great spirits, as the woman whips up a bowl of chips before joyously serving them to her smiling man.

A Kenyan Tiktok family has divided the internet after sharing a video of a typical evening in their home.

The family, which goes by the name 'TheFoxyFamily' is comprised of a young gentleman and his equally young wife - who is currently pregnant.

In the video, which has elicited a sharp debate online, the young woman can be seeing preparing dinner for her husband as he crouches over his laptop, doing some quick online jobs.

On the night in question, the woman of the house is preparing potato chips for dinner - she is seen doing the preparations before cooking them over a jiko, which she is repeatedly fanning. 

Much of the debate online seems to have emanated from the type of house they live in - and the seemingly lowly lifestyle they live.

From the curtains to the bed, everything appears cheap and of low-quality. The kitchen, too, is woefully small and the floor is merely covered in red oxide.

Looking around, one can also notice that the house has no TV set, the couple share only one couch and the bed is a rudimentary 4' by 6' woodwork with a red, thin blanket thrown over it.

Despite the obviously humble surroundings, the couple appears to be happy and in great spirits, as the woman whips up a bowl of chips before joyously serving them to her smiling man.

As they both settle to eat, the lady emphasises the importance of gratitude and mutual joy in a home. 

"Prayers of course, to thank God for giving us something to eat and drink..." she says.

"I can assure you, the food was so sweet, I'm sure he enjoyed every bit of it. And as always, when the Queen is happy, the King is also happy!"

Whilst some people found the video wholesome and inspiring, others were critical of their state of living - with many arguing that the couple was not ready yet for a baby.

"Look at how they're living. What kind of bed is that? Look at that tiny kitchen? And that slice of a carpet! Is this the home they want to raise a baby in? Pregnancy couldn't wait? Lord, remove me from such situations!" one X user said.

"This couple can barely afford a decent meal. Which woman feeds her man potato slices for dinner? And what's that couch? Surely, these people have no capacity to raise a child! They can barely sustain themselves!" someone else commented.

On her part, Karen Obure said, "Well, I get the aesthetics. I get where they are going with this. This may get them clicks and views online. Maybe even endorsements. But away from the Internet, this is a very poor way of living life. These two should not even be married. They should be working on themselves instead. Now, a poor baby has to be dragged into this too!"

Some Kenyans, however, did not see anything wrong with the family setup, with many saying that most Kenyans actually live like this and that there has never been the right time to have babies.

"To those saying that they should have waited until they're successful to have a kid, what if their success will come in 20 years? So they should wait for 20 years? There has never been the right time to have a baby! I'm a testimony!" someone commented.

Someone else noted, "This is actually a normal Kenyan home. Y'all need to touch some grass! 80% of Kenyans live like this! All of us were brought up this way - and with siblings too! The internet has really messed up your minds!"

As the argument rages on, some people have predicted good tidings befalling the family with some foreseeing a situation where the couple will be inundated with ambassadorial gigs and multi-million deals from leading brands.

"Nyinyi endeleeni ku hate. I see a breakthrough here. I see brands coming in. I see a total overhaul of their lifestyle. There, I called it!" Diana Muthee said.


Kenya Tiktok The Foxy Family

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