Pastoralists in Isiolo warned against destroying forest cover as cases of wildfires rise

Pastoralists in Isiolo warned against destroying forest cover as cases of wildfires rise

Regional forest conservator, Allan Ongere.

Pastoralist community members have been urged to exercise carefully controlled use of fire when managing grazing areas, in order to avert cases of wildfires that have recently been witnessed in parts of Isiolo and Samburu Counties.

Speaking at Ntalabany Comprehensive school in Leparua area of Isiolo on Friday during celebrations to mark the International Day of Forests, the regional forest conservator for Ewaso North region which comprises Isiolo, Samburu and Marsabit Counties, Allan Ongere, noted that in recent months, over 500 hectares of land were decimated by fire in Samburu county, while over 5,000 hactares of grazing land were consumed by a wild fire in Merti and Sericho areas of Isiolo, with flames raging for over a week.

Ongere asked community members to desist from leaving fires unattended when they burn down old grass stalks to manage grazing areas and pave way for the growth of fresh grass, noting that fire is a good servant but can be a master as witnessed in Sericho and Merti areas of Isiolo in recent months.

 Regarding the low forest cover in Isiolo (6.2%) and Marsabit County (1.0%) in comparison to the recommended international standard of at least 10% forest cover, Ongere noted that the Kenya Forest Service has partnered with local community based organizations and NGO’s to ensure steady provision of tree seedlings for planting in both public and private spaces to ensure that the forest cover is improved to achieve the recommended 10% cover in the next 10 years.

According to Ongere, the plan is to ensure that by the year 2032, the forest cover in Isiolo county is improved to at least 8%, and the one for Marsabit is increased to at least 4% in the same duration.  

Of the three counties in the Ewaso North Region, only Samburu County has achieved the recommended minimum of 10% forest cover, currently standing at over 20% forest cover.

Ongere noted that the Kenya Forest Service Nurseries have over 800,000 tree seedlings in Samburu County, 500,000 tree seedlings in Isiolo County and over 300,000 tree seedlings in Marsabit County that are expected to be grown in both public and private spaces.

He said that the tree seedlings in KFS nurseries put together with those in private nurseries mean that there are over 6 million tree seedlings ready for growing in the Ewaso North region during the current planting season, a move that will go a long way towards improving the low forest cover especially in Isiolo and Marsabit Counties.



pastoralists Isiolo forest fires Wananchi reporting

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