Gikomba traders lament following order to demolish structures on riparian land

Gikomba traders lament following order to demolish structures on riparian land

A section of Gikomba market in Nairobi

A section of traders in Nairobi’s Gikomba market are the latest casualties following a government directive targeting structures on riparian land.

This comes as the government moved in to enforce a 24 hour eviction notice dated May 23, 2024.

Traders took issue with the move saying their structures are temporary. “We have set up our businesses here.

We do not sleep here so the government should not treat us like permanent occupants,” a trader lamented.

Others decried lack of proper communication from the authorities saying the notice was issued by word of mouth.

 “It is true some people had encroached and built residential houses near the river. But we should not pay for the mistakes of others,” another added.

The affected traders have now called on the government to pronounce itself on the matter.

“In 2022, we were told to vacate so as to pave way for a road construction project. Today, the issue is about riparian land. Who is fooling who?” the traders said.

 Hundreds of traders are staring at potential job losses should the government go ahead with plans to demolish the stalls.


Gikomba Demolitions

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