Fracas at Kakamega main market as two groups fight over illegal chang'aa trade operations

Kakamega main market. /ERIC AYIRO
The groups are said to have disagreed over the alleged sale of chang’aa at the market.
One group led by market chairman Geoffrey Oyolo confronted a group led by former chairman Benard Oundoalleged to be behind the illegal sale of chang’aa at the market.
The accused group retaliated and caused mayhem, bringing business at the market to a standstill.
Addressing the market traders, Oyolo said, “There are some rogue traders selling chang’aa secretly and that is damaging the reputation of this market. We want the trade stopped immediately.”
However, the group lead by Oundo denied the allegations, and accused Oyolo and his team of damaging genuine traders’ stalls for no reason.
Police arrived at the scene to restore order and launched investigations.
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