Family in agony after Form 4 girl drowns during school trip

Family in agony after Form 4 girl drowns during school trip

Grace Wanjiku Karanja, a Form 4 student at Mugoiri Girls high school in Murang'a County, drowned during a school trip in Mount Kenya Forest. Photo/Courtesy

A family in Kirinyaga county is devastated following the death of their daughter that occured during a school trip in Mount Kenya Forest, within Gichugu Constituency.

Grace Wanjiku Karanja, a Form 4 student at Mugoiri Girls high school in Murang'a, was in the company of over 200 students who had gone out for a recreational trip at the Castle Forest, when the accident occurred.

According to the Gichugu Sub-County Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officer Millicent Ochuka, Wanjiku slipped and fell into the Kathitha river – where she drowned.

“She was in the company of another girl when she slipped and fell in the river as they had gone to see the Ford Falls,” said Ochuka.

Adding that: “The matter was reported at the Kianyaga police station by a Mr. Peter Nganga, who is Castle Forest station manager."

A team of forest rangers who had accompanied the teachers and students on the expedition were informed about the accident – and made every effort to try and rescue the girl from the waters.

“The forest rangers and the teachers made every effort and eventually pulled her from the waters, and called an ambulance that rushed her to the Kerugoya Referral County Hospital – where she was unfortunately pronounced dead,” said Ochuka.

Speaking on behalf of the family, Mr. Joseph Mungai Ruru, who is the girl’s uncle, said that the news had devastated the family.

“The girl’s mother was actually taking food to her daughter when she heard students crying.  She was shocked to find out that it was her daughter the students were mourning,” said the uncle.

According to the Mugoiri Girls high school Principal Ms. Susan Mundia, a postmortem was conducted on the body on Monday morning.

“The postmortem result showed that the student died due to inadequate oxygen occasioned by drowning. It is a very sad moment for the school and the family,” she said.

Young Wanjiku was in the company of 322 students from Mugoiri Girls Secondary School who were on a tour of Mount Kenya forest.


Kirinyaga county Form four candidate

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