What it takes for a town to become a city

What it takes for a town to become a city

An aerial view of Eldoret town.

Eldoret town is set to become the fifth city in Kenya once it is awarded a city status by President William Ruto on August 15, 2024. 

It will join Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Nakuru, with the elevation expected to benefit residents through improved services and an increase in investment opportunities. 

Over the years, Eldoret has experienced growth in its population, infrastructure, health services, education, trade and industries among others. 

The conferment of city status is also anticipated to position Eldoret as a hub for growth and urbanisation in the region. 

For a town to be granted city status, the Senate Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations is required to give the green light. 

According to the Urban Areas and Cities (Amendment) Act, 2019, on the criteria for classifying a town as a city, the urban area must have a population of at least 250,000 residents in line with the final gazetted results of the last population census.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Population and Housing Census of 2019 estimated Eldoret population as 475,716, surpassing the threshold. 

The town must have an integrated urban area or city development plan, demonstrate good system and records of effective management. 

The town is also required to have the capacity to effectively deliver essential services to its resident and must actively engage its residents in the management of its affairs. 

Other requirements include proper infrastructure including roads, street lighting, markets and fire stations and adequate facilities in the event a disaster occurs. 

The final criteria is a town must have an effective waste disposal system. 

The report filed by the Senate Committee that reviewed Eldoret town showed that the town needed some improvements to enhance their infrastructure such as extension of the runway and purchasing modern fire-fighting equipment. 

According to the committee, Eldoret has the capacity to hit Ksh.2.5 billion revenue collection, with the highest collection of Ksh.0.99 billion recorded in the last financial year. This revenue can come from markets, individual business permits, land rates, street parking among others. 

The report also said that the town has effective management practices to provide services to its residents, hence achieving the criteria outlined in the Act. 

The report was debated in the Senate in September 2023 and unanimously approved four months later. 

President Ruto is now set to grant the town a city charter.


Citizen TV Citizen Digital City charter Eldoret city

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