Uhuru leaves State House for the last time as President

Uhuru leaves State House for the last time as President

President Kenyatta's motorcade leaving State House, heading to Kasarani.

President Uhuru Kenyatta's motorcade has left the State House premises bound for the Kasarani Stadium for the inauguration ceremony of his successor William Ruto.

President Kenyatta entered into his presidential limousine in company of his wife Margaret Kenyatta and left the premise at around 11:40 with his presidential motorcade.

This brings an end to Uhuru's stay in State House as President, as his successor William Ruto will be the new occupant of the 'House on the Hill'. 

Subsequently, President Ruto will vacate the Deputy President's official residence in Karen, as his deputy Rigathi Gachagua will become the new owner. 

The president will be the last to arrive at the premise after heads of state, dignitaries, Deputy President-Elect Rigathi Gachagua and President-elect William Ruto who have already arrived at the stadium.

Upon his arrival President Uhuru will be received by General Kibochi and escorted to the ceremonial Land-Rover to enter the stadium.

The National Anthem will be played then Uhuru will inspect the Guard of Honour.

President Kenyatta has vowed to oversee a smooth transition of power to Ruto, marking and end to his 10-year rule at the helm of the country.

“Indeed, it is my intention to oversee a smooth transition to the next administration and all the necessary orders to facilitate this process have already been issued,” he said at a past national address.

President-Elect William Ruto arrived at the premise at around 11:55am amid cheers from the crowd which had thronged the stadium.


President Kenyatta DP Ruto Citizen TV Citizen Digital

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