Sifuna cites frustration by Gov’t as Ksh.10B owed to ODM yet to be disbursed

Sifuna cites frustration by Gov’t as Ksh.10B owed to ODM yet to be disbursed

ODM party leader Raila Odinga and Secretary General Edwin Sifuna during a past function. PHOTO | COURTESY

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is now lamenting over what it terms as starvation of political party funds by the Kenya Kwanza government.

ODM says the government owes the party over Ksh.10 billion which is meant the affairs of the party from the grassroot to national level.

According to the party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, the government is deliberately weakening the opposition parties by reducing their budget allocations and delaying in releasing the funds to ensure they do not keep the administration in check.

The Nairobi Senator, speaking on Thursday in Diani, Kwale County, during a popularization and recruitment drive, said operations at the grassroot level have now stalled due to lack of funds.

“The aim of William Ruto is to ensure he has weakened political parties especially ODM. We wanted to open offices at county level then constituency level and finally at the ward level but we are now stuck,” he said.

ODM leader Raila Odinga, who led the exercise, said they’re looking forward to strengthening the party despite the challenges they’re facing.

He said all party leaders countrywide have been tasked to ensure they enroll new members and make the party vibrant.

"We want to register new members because it is now five years since we did the membership recruitment," Mr. Odinga noted.

The opposition chief warned leaders in the party against working with the President Ruto-led Kenya Kwanza saying they should be focused on the agenda of ODM and the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party.

He accepted the apologies of Kwale Senator Issa Boy and Women Representative Fatuma Masito who have been seen as working closely with Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani, who is allied to the ruling alliance.


ODM Edwin Sifuna Kenya Kwanza Political parties fund

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