Sale, consumption and supply of muguka banned in Mombasa

Sale, consumption and supply of muguka banned in Mombasa

A screen grab of a video of Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir addressing journalists at Port Reitz Hospital on May 23, 2024.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has issued an executive order banning the sale, supply and consumption of khat, popularly known as muguka, across the county.

Nassir made the decree on Thursday at Port Reitz Hospital, Mombasa, highlighting the pervasive consumption of the stimulant drug at the Coast, including among school-going children.

According to Nassir, muguka traders have ignored laws put in place to safeguard children from the drug's influence, with some even going as far as selling the drug to minors.

"We have tried to come up with regulations so that users and the larger community can co-exist but they have refused refused and for this reason I have consulted legally and  found my decree to be in order," said Nassir.

"I have signed an executive order to ban the entry of muguka into Mombasa and to ban the sale and consumption of mugoka into Mombasa."

Nassir further highlighted the detrimental effects of muguka consumption on people's health.

"The basis is that the levels of cathine and cathinone in muguka is very high level. An average of about 20 leaves is enough to make someone have toxic imaginations. Imagine a child consuming this during school hours," he said.

"We have consulted with every person and this executive order stands. I hope members of the public will appreciate that this was a necessary decision." 


Citizen Digital Mombasa Abdulswamad Nassir Muguka

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