RMS Managing Director Wachira Waruru leads tributes to media veteran Mutegi Njau

The media fraternity is mourning the death of an icon.

Veteran journalist and senior political analyst Mutegi Njau, who died on Thursday evening, has been remembered for his decades long illustrious career in the media, and was popularly known for his morning show 'Cheche' on Citizen TV.

Njau has been eulogized as an icon in the media fraternity who left an indelible mark on Kenyan journalism.

Royal Media Services (RMS) Managing Director Wachira Waruru hailed Njau’s dedication in shaping young journalists, eulogizing him as an incredible all rounder; a prolific writer, hard-nosed reporter, thoroughbred Editor, and an agile professional who seamlessly transitioned to radio and television journalism to the surprise of many.

“Mutegi Njau dedicated his final years of a long career in journalism to shaping young journalists at Royal Media newsrooms. I celebrate Mutegi and a most established career,” mourned Mr. Waruru.

RMS Editorial Director and Head of Strategy Linus Kaikai termed Njau an inspiring institutional figure, “a fierce newsroom lion and consummate lifetime journalist.”

Former Nation Media Group (NMG) Managing Editor Macharia Gaitho described him as a legend in the newsroom, who nurtured and mentored hundreds of reporters across all platforms and always led by example.

Former NMG Editorial Director Joseph Odindo described him as a straight shooter and dependable friend.

Zubeida Kananu, President of the Kenya Editors Guild (KEG), also joined friends and former colleagues to pour glowing tributes to the late Njau.

“Rest in peace senior. My condolences to the family. May God grant them peace and comfort,” she wrote on X.

His former morning show co-host David Makali remembered Njau as a man who mentored and gifted many in the industry.

Former NMG Editor Catherine Gicheru, described him as a great mentor and friend.

Wangethi Mwangi, another former editorial director at NMG, termed his death a tragic turn.

Njau’s exemplary career saw him earn accolades and awards including, most recently the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Annual Journalism Excellence Awards (AJEA).

His family, which described him as their cornerstone and a cherished figure in the community, has commenced plans for his burial and to accord him a decent send off. 


Wachira Waruru Media RMS Mutegi Njau

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