Retired military officers offer mediation in doctors-government stalemate

Retired military officers offer mediation in doctors-government stalemate

Widow of a retired KDF veteran Mary Juma receives a bag of rice from Kenya Veterans for Peace Executive Director Dr Nelson Sechere (middle) and KVP National Executive Officer Brigadier (rtd) Emiliano Tonui in Nairobi’s Githurai Kimbo on April 4th, 2024.

Military veterans under the umbrella of Kenya Veterans for Peace (KVP) have offered to mediate in the stalemate between striking medics and the government. 

The group says retired military officers have previously mediated in numerous peace efforts and this makes them more suited to end the impasse and alleviate the suffering Kenyans are facing especially women, children and the aged.

 Speaking during a press conference at their Nyayo House offices, retired soldiers under Kenya veterans for peace led by Executive Director Dr Nelson Sechere said they have successfully brokered peace in several conflicts.

 KVP says it has also embarked on projects to boost peace in the country including sinking boreholes and provision of water to end perennial conflicts between pastoralists.

 KVP officials visited veterans, widows and widowers of former military officers in Githurai, Nairobi and gifted them with assorted foodstuffs. 

Some of the beneficiaries who retired from the Kenya Defence Forces in the 1990s and early 2000 called for more inclusion in nation-building. 

Kenya Veterans for Peace is a welfare organization for retired soldiers. It was founded and registered in 2008 through a Government resolution with its main objective being to bring together retired Kenya Defence Forces military officers to complement the Government’s efforts on peacebuilding, security and development using their wealth of experience


Kenya Veterans for Peace

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