Raila claims Parliament has been 'captured' by the State

Raila claims Parliament has been 'captured' by the State

Raila Odinga during the burial of Phyllis Mawathe, the mother of Embakasi South MP Julius Mawathe in Machakos County on November 30, 2023. PHOTO | COURTESY

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party leader Raila Odinga now claims the Kenya Kwanza administration has captured the legislative arm of the government, thereby rendering Parliament unable to conduct its oversight role on behalf of Kenyans.

Speaking during the burial of Phyllis Mawathe, the mother of Embakasi South MP Julius Mawathe in Mwala, Machakos County, Mr. Odinga slammed the President William Ruto-led government accusing it of ignoring Kenyans after capturing the Parliament.

The opposition leader claimed that the Executive is controlling the House from the shadows, hence lawmakers will continue to remain mum amid Kenyans’ suffering with the rising cost of living.

Mr. Odinga, who cited the recent contentious proposal by the State to privatise 11 parastatals, said this will come to pass while the ‘captured’ MPs observe from a distance.

“Bunge ndio imepewa jukumu ya kuangalia vile serikali inafanya mambo yake. Lakini walienda kwa Bunge wakashika wakafinya…sasa Bunge imekuwa hanisi. Bunge sasa imeweka sahihi kuwa wanaweza kuuza kampuni yoyote bila kuliuliza idhini. Wakileta mambo yao wabunge wanafanya mambo yao,” he stated.

The Azimio chief reiterated his past sentiments that President Ruto’s regime is illegitimate, arguing that the Kenya Kwanza government is failing to fulfil its mandate since they had not anticipated the 2022 election victory.

Regarding the just concluded National Dialogue Committee talks, Mr. Odinga hinted at a push to ensure the issue of the cost of living is addressed despite noting that the Kenya Kwanza government was adamant and unwilling to listen to advice.

“Vile niliambia Kalonzo, hawa (Kenya Kwanza) hawasikii chochote. Hakuna haja ya kujaribu kung’ang’ana na wao kwa sababu ni wagonjwa na hawajui,” he said.

“Ni kama yule mnyama ambaye kuona anaona lakini hasikii wala kwa kigongo…Kenya Kwanza ni kama mnyama burukenge. Wanaona lakini ni kiziwi, mpaka ugonge.”

He also accused the government of hiking the prices of imported goods, something he says has raised the cost of living and made the State undergo loses since citizens are unable to afford it.

“Jamaa ni wagonjwa, tunajaribu kuwapatia dawa hawataki…wacha waugue wakufe tu. Wanaleta bidhaa kutoka nje bila kulipa forodha lakini gharama ya maisha hairudi chini kwa sababu ni wao tu wanauza wanaweka faida kubwa na watu hawaezi kununua,” he noted.

Consequently, Mr. Odinga told off leaders blaming the former regime for the current challenges bedevilling Kenyans saying it is more than a year into power and citizens are expecting results.

"They are now blaming the handshake, claiming that they found empty coffers…sasa kama ulipata nyungu tupu, kitu gani kimekuzuia kupika ugali mpya?" He posed.

"Mwaka mmoja hujapika ugali mpya…hawakudhani wataingia kwa serikali na ndio sababu wako na shida ya kuiendesha. Chebukati ndio aliwaweka kwa uongozi."


Citizen Digital Raila Odinga Parliament State capture

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