Police not involved in night raid at Matiang’i’s home - IG Koome

Police not involved in night raid at Matiang’i’s home - IG Koome

A photo collage of former Interior CS Fred Matiangi (left) and Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome (right).

Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome has said that no police officer was sent to former Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i’s home on Wednesday night. 

The IG told Citizen Digital that the police were not involved in the raid, where it is alleged that an unknown number of elite police officers surrounded the former Minister’s home in Karen. 

Matiang’i’s lawyer Danstan Omari was at the location during the 10.00 PM raid, where he told the press that the security officers intended to arrest his client. 

"I can confirm that the life of Matiang'i is at risk. We don't know the intention of wanting to invade Matiang'i's home at this time of the night. We don't know what offence he has committed,” he said, adding that the former CS is ready to present himself to the police and record a statement if needed.  

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga was also present at Matiang’I’s home, saying that his (Matiang’i) crime should be made public instead of the night raids. 

“We are now witnessing what this country has been through before…the times of late-night arrests and detention without any charges. There is no reason why police should be coming to somebody's home at this hour of the night when people are asleep,” Raila said. 


Matiang'i Police Citizen TV Citizen Digital IG Japhet Koome Home

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