Pastor Dorcas cites parenting errors that cause loveless marriages, drunkenness

Pastor Dorcas cites parenting errors that cause loveless marriages, drunkenness

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi speaks at the Call2All Strategic Summit of Reaching Africa to transform the world held in Limuru on June 11, 2024. PHOTO | OSDP

The spouse of the Deputy President on Tuesday cited errors in parenting resulting in a generation immersed in societal vices that include loveless marriages, drunkenness, the abuse of drugs, and mental health issues.

Speaking at the Call2All Strategic Summit of Reaching Africa to Transform the World held in Limuru that brought together faith-based organization participants from across the nations of Africa, Europe, the UK and USA, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi commended the participants for their efforts in correcting the errors and seeking to redeem a generation.

“It all began in parenting. This man grows up not talking, communicating, laughing, and going to the kitchen, and when he gets married, a demand is laid on this man to love the woman, and he is completely clueless how to love the woman. He cannot even express himself because he was told not to talk, and when there is an issue, he cannot even communicate because there is an already instilled fear of speaking like a woman and laughing like a woman,” she said.

“When we say these negative things about a woman to our boys, the woman he will marry, how will he be able to respect this woman? While you say everything that is bad is like a woman. When he failed in school, the father said, you are like your mother. The man grows up knowing the image of a woman is the epitome of all that is bad. How is this man supposed to respond to this woman in his house? This is why we have gender-based violence, and he neglects his family because who is a woman anyway?”

She, however, commended churches for opening up their facilities and collaborating in the agenda of redeeming the boy child.

She singled out the Anglican Church and Catholic Church for their unique initiatives in reaching those in the streets.

“Bishop Charles Muturi here in Kiambu has tens of churches for the drunk called ‘Kanisa Mashinani’. The people who are drunk come as they are, and he allocates them a youthful pastor, and he gives them drums, and they praise God as they are, and they are fed there,” said Pastor Dorcas.

She has also worked with other churches through the community based rehabilitation resulting in renewal of marriage vows, new marriages, and reconnecting hundreds of reformed men to employment, business and entrepreneurship opportunities.

She said the agenda of reaching the youth, and those living in the streets was bearing fruits with thousands transformed.

The office of the spouse of the Deputy President is preparing to graduate 1,200 who have undergone inpatient rehabilitation, with thousands of others having won the battle against addictions through community based outpatient rehabilitation.

“Let us point the youth to their purpose, and redirect their destinies for positive change. I am not resting, but I am happy because I can see the change happening. Out of darkness we are bringing them out,” said Pastor Dorcas.

Pastor Dorcas also shared her work of reaching the vulnerable that include the boy child, widows, orphans, and people with disabilities.

She encouraged partnerships and collaborations towards the empowerment of the youth.


Marriage Parenting Alcoholism Pastor Dorcas Rigathi

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