Over 4,000 widows turn up for Pastor Dorcas Rigathi's mentorship event in Laikipia

Over 4,000 widows turn up for Pastor Dorcas Rigathi's mentorship event in Laikipia

Widows turn up at the PCEA Muhotetu Grounds in Laikipia County for a function by Pastor Dorcas Rigathi. PHOTO| COURTESY

More than 4,500 widows turned up for an empowerment program organized by the Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi at the PCEA Muhotetu Grounds in Laikipia County.

The numbers were more than the anticipated 2,000, an indication of the risen numbers of widows not just in Laikipia but across the country. Pastor Dorcas was bothered by the numbers of widows who included very young women in their 20s and 30s.

These numbers have been contributed by cases of insecurity in the county where many have been killed by bandits while others died of other issues among them alcoholism. Pastor Dorcas however challenged the women to be at the forefront in helping in dealing with insecurity in the area by among others talking to their male children.

“You see these cases of insecurity in this county, you can be part of the solution, you talk to men who are close to you. We have had cases of women who have told their children to take revenge when their husbands are killed by people. However, for us to move forward learn to forgive each other," she said.

Pastor Dorcas called for more collaboration of all players who include the national government, county governments and religious organizations in addressing the issues affecting widows in the country. 

She shared her story of being brought up by a widow in the slums of Kiandutu in Thika encouraging the women to press on for a better tomorrow.

The Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi also challenged the society and those in positions of power not to subject widows to embarrassment when they are seeking help.

“Nobody wants to be borrowing every day. When these women want bursaries for their children sometimes, they are taken through embarrassments, long, unending tiresome processes and reminded of their dead husbands, she said.

“If these women (Widows) are involved in economic activities this county of Laikipia will change. We want to engage them in better economic activities when they come together in groups. Gone are the days of merry-go-round, women can do better than that. We want them to have better lives, “She added.

Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu pledged to support Pastor Dorcas’ in her widow’s empowerment programs in the county by creating opportunities.

Others present included Laikipia Deputy Governor Reuben Kamuri, County MP Jane Kagiri among others.


Laikipia Widows Dorcas Rigathi

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