ODM expels Senator Ojienda, MP Jalang’o; fines Abuor, Nyamita Ksh.2M

ODM expels Senator Ojienda, MP Jalang’o; fines Abuor, Nyamita Ksh.2M

A side-by-side image of Lang'ata MP Felix Odiwuor alias Jalang'o and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda. PHOTOS | COURTESY

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has announced a decision to expel five members.

The NEC, in a statement to newsrooms on Wednesday after a meeting chaired by party leader Raila Odinga and National Chairman John Mbadi, said the decision was arrived at following the consideration of a report by the disciplinary committee which had been looking into the conduct of some members.

The five are Members of Parliament Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Felix Odiwuor ‘Jalang’o’ (Lang’ata), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

They were accused of violating the party Constitution and the Political Parties Act 2011 by openly associating with and supporting activities of a rival political outfit, as well as opposing lawful decisions made by party organs.

The ODM party hence said they are “deemed to have resigned,” and will now “commence the process of removing them from the register.”

Rongo MP Paul Abuor and his Uriri counterpart Mark Nyamita, who also faced similar allegations, were - on the other hand - fined Ksh.1 million each to be paid within 60 days.

The party said the two lawmakers appeared before its disciplinary committee in person and explained reasons for their actions, and were further directed to offer a written apology to the party within 7 days.

Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris was also reprimanded for her “outright defiance of the party position on the punitive Finance Bill 2023.”

She was ordered to issue a written apology to the party within 7 days, and fined Ksh.250,000 to be paid within 60 days.

The Raila Odinga-led political outfit further resolved to revoke the nominations of four Members of the Kisumu County Assembly (MCAs) namely; Caroline Opar, Kennedy Ajwang’, Peter Obaso, and Regina Kizito.

“The party supports the ongoing bipartisan talks between the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition which ODM is an affiliate and Kenya Kwanza Alliance and calls on Kenyans to send memoranda on the issues outlined by the dialogue team before the deadline, Friday 8th,” read the statement.

“The party will hold its grassroots elections early next year. The dates for this exercise will announced by the National Executive Committee.”


ODM Jalang'o NEC Tom Ojienda Mark Nyamita Paul Abuor

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