ODM claims Raila's bodyguard abducted

ODM claims Raila's bodyguard abducted

File image of Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party Leader Raila Odinga.

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga's bodyguard Maurice Ogeta has allegedly been abducted by unknown men suspected to be police officers, the ODM party has claimed. 

In a statement on Wednesday, ODM's director of communications Philip Etale said Ogeta was accosted by the assailants on his way to work from home on Wednesday morning who flagged him down and then bundled him in his car's boot.

After a few minutes drive, Etale claims, the car stalled and the assailants had to force Ogeta out of the boot to help them restart it.

"After driving for a few minutes, the vehicle stalled and they got him out of the boot to show them how to restart it before returning him to the boot and sped off to an unknown destination," read the statement in part.

Etale further claimed Embakasi East MP Babu Owino was apprehended on Tuesday night moments after arriving in Nairobi from Mombasa where he and other Members of Parliament from Nairobi County are said to have attended a meeting with officials from Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA).

MP Owino had also taken to his Facebook page claiming that he had been arrested. 

“Have been detained by the DCI JKIA after my arrival from Mombasa. Currently under arrest,” he wrote. 

Citizen Digital has since reached out to the MP for a comment, but his phone could not go through. 

The alleged incidents come in the wake of anti-government protests scheduled to happen on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


Raila Odinga ODM Azimio la Umoja Citizen TV Citizen Digital Bodyguard

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