NTSA: Why we want to inspect private motor vehicles

NTSA: Why we want to inspect private motor vehicles

An NTSA banner seen during a campaign on road safety. Photo:NTSA/X

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) is planning to include private motor vehicles in its annual motor vehicle inspection exercise, with the primary goal of enhancing road safety. The plan, currently in its draft stages, is undergoing deliberations on how best to proceed.

The draft entails a regulatory framework for motor vehicle inspection. One key consideration is the inclusion of private vehicles, and discussions are ongoing about involving private sector players to increase capacity.

NTSA Director General George Njau, who appeared before the Senate Transport Committee on Tuesday said the authority currently operates 17 inspection centers nationwide. 

"The issue of fees remains unsettled and is still under discussion," Njau told the committee on the charges that will be imposed on private vehicles inspection. 

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna raised concerns on the move, suggesting that it may be a hastily conceived money-making scheme.

"What is the justification for that fee? Are you looking for money, or are you looking for safety?"

However, Njau rebutted the allegations, stating that the decision to conduct inspections is firmly grounded on safety and public participation.

"When we initiated this process, we conducted a public participation exercise earlier in the year across all regions," he explained.

Sifuna further faulted NTSA for considering involvement of private sector players in motor vehicle inspection, arguing that their profit-oriented approach will lead to increased costs for Kenyans.

 "If you do not have the capacity yourselves to conduct inspections, do not involve the private sector. We already experience delays in commercial vehicle inspections; why insist on doing something beyond your capacity?" he posed. 

"Kenyans cannot afford any more levies; they lack the capacity to bear additional charges. Inspection should remain a government function, particularly for commercial vehicles," Sifuna emphasized.

The Director General reiterated that the proposed road safety measures are still in the draft stages, and discussions are ongoing on how to proceed.

"We can build on it to ensure we address all issues that directly impact Kenyans," he said.

As part of their plan, NTSA intends to distribute free handbooks to both private and commercial vehicle owners to bridge information gaps.

"We will provide handbooks to the public to refresh their knowledge on road safety, the traffic code, as there is sometimes an information gap on how to interpret and use available information," Njau said.


NTSA Citizen TV Citizen Digital Inspection

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