‘No turning back!’ Azimio leaders insist next week’s three-day protests still on

A section of Azimio leaders in Kisumu County on July 15, 2023. PHOTO | COURTESY

By Rita Mose

Kisumu County's Mowlem market grounds on Saturday witnessed a charged atmosphere as the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party Members of Parliament said the planned protests for next week will go on as long as issues of the high cost of living remain unaddressed.

Leaders present at the rally included National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi, Nyando MP Jared Okello, Kisumu Deputy Governor Dr Mathew Owili and Siaya Senator Dr Oburu Oginga among others.

Wandayi called on leaders to support the people, stating that they will pursue justice for those killed during anti-government protests in the recent past.

"You have got no power under the Constitution to determine whether we have demonstrations or not, by Kenyans demonstrating they are simply exercising their constitutional rights, and this they will do," he said.

The leaders emphasized their rights to peaceful demonstrations, directing their concerns to President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua accusing the administration of corruption.

"The power that Ruto and Gachagua are exercising belongs to the people of Kenya, ukisoma katiba hiyo katiba inatuonyesha ya kwamba wanachi wanaeza withdraw hiyo power kutoka kwao and to exercise it on their own, that is the reason why we are collecting 15 million signatures," Dr Owili said.

MP Okello added: "We are demonstrating because of escalating prices of essential items. Ruto must bring down the cost of living in this country and we are going to demonstrate on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and we shall demonstrate forever and we don’t have to ask anybody permission anywhere.”

The Azimio leaders also called for national unity and urged Kisumu residents to stand in solidarity with opposition chief Raila Odinga.


Kisumu Protests Citizen TV Citizen Digital Azimio

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