New EACC report reveals embezzlement of funds worth millions in 10 counties

Over 10 counties are on the spot following investigations by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) that revealed embezzlement of funds worth millions.

The 3rd quarterly report of EACC released on Friday detailed how county officials breached procurement laws to irregularly award tenders worth millions of shillings to private companies.

EACC wants several county officials charged with various offences of corruption and economic crimes.

Among the counties being investigated is Siaya where Ksh.400 million was allegedly embezzled through claims of allowances for training and official public engagements, which were never held.

Twelve employees of the Siaya County government have been recommended to be charged with various offences of corruption and economic crimes.

Top on that list is Hezron Opiyo, an Accountant at the Department of Finance and Economic Planning, who is alleged to have received Ksh.18,980,830 to his account through irregular applications.

In Kirinyaga County, the former Deputy Governor is on the spot following allegations of conflict of interest and abuse of office in the award of a tender worth over Ksh.7 million for the improvement of Kibingoti shopping centre road in Kiine Ward.

The tender was allegedly irregularly awarded to Jestam Enterprises Limited whose director is said to be the brother-in-law of the then Deputy Governor. 

The company is also said to have had an account at Ecobank and that after payments were done, the former Deputy Governor made withdrawals through cheques signed by him alone.

The then Deputy Governor, his brother-in-law and the Director of Jestam Enterprises Limited were recommended to be charged with various offences relating to conflict of interest, fraudulent acquisition of public property and fraudulent procurement process. 

The report was forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on August 28, 2023, with the office recommending further investigations on November 20, 2023. 

In Marsabit County, EACC is investigating allegations of irregular procurement and award of a tender worth Ksh.62 million to M/S Drescoll Company Limited for the supply and delivery of a fire engine truck to the county government.

The findings of the investigation revealed that aside from the fact that the county had no budget for the procurement of a fire engine in the 2018/2019 FY, the procurement process was not followed and prices were highly inflated.

EACC also investigated a complaint on allegations of embezzlement of Ksh.2 million and shoddy work done in the construction of a dormitory at Ilplosat Secondary School in Kaputiei North Ward.

Investigations revealed that due to the strong winds experienced in the area, the roof of the dormitory was blown off and the same was communicated to the contractor who repaired it. The DPP returned the inquiry file on November 22, 2023, recommending closure of the investigation.

In Mandera County, approximately Ksh.64 million was spent to lease 6 ambulances per year instead of adhering to the Appropriation Bill which recommended the buying of ambulances.

Investigations also established that due to the urgency needed to mitigate child and maternal deaths, a direct procurement method was used to award the tender to Emergency Plus Medical Services Limited (owned by Red Cross Society) whose contract was renewed in the 2015/2016 FY without procurement.

The report was forwarded to the DPP in August 2023 recommending that the County Health CEC be charged. The matter is still under review.

In Turkana County a former Accountant General and others are under investigation for conflict of interest and fraudulent acquisition of public funds.

It is alleged that Amailo Investment Company Limited, a company in which the former Accountant General has a private interest, was paid Ksh.24,999,600 for the supply of 6,024 bags of corn soya blend to ECD Schools which were never delivered.

The company is accused of conspiring with the public health officer and members of the Inspection and Acceptance Committee to submit false delivery notes and an invoice dated May 25, 2021, purporting that the 6,024 bags of corn soya blend were delivered to the Turkana County government.

Other cases under investigation include Ksh.500 million meant for COVID-19 intervention in Kitui County that was allegedly misappropriated.

In Machakos County, an alleged misappropriation of a Ksh.32 million donation by the World Bank and Danida Fund to help improve health care is being investigated.

In Tharaka Nithi County, the DPP received a complaint of allegations of irregular procurement for the construction of county assembly awarded to Lexis International Company Limited worth Ksh.369,642,688.

In Kericho County, there are allegations of irregular award of tender worth Ksh.42.3 million to Delta Equipment Limited for supply and delivery of ambulance and utility vehicles.

In Kisumu County, EACC wants the former Deputy Governor charged over procurement irregularities in the purchase of land in Nyalenda B by Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA).

The property is said to have been overvalued., after officials from the Ministry of Lands allegedly made KMA believe that the land was valued at Ksh.17 million instead of Ksh.7.2 million.


Citizen Digital Corruption EACC Embezzlement

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