Murang'a Governor introduces Kang’ata Care, says residents to get free services at public hospitals

Murang'a Governor introduces Kang’ata Care, says residents to get free services at public hospitals

Governor Irungu Kang’ata

Murang'a County has kicked off the registration exercise for the beneficiaries of the county government medical insurance scheme dubbed Kang'ata Care.

The program introduced by Governor Irungu Kang’ata aims at benefiting 20,000 households who will be getting medical services for free in the county’s public hospitals.

The county signed a pact with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) which will see the devolved unit pay Ksh.170 million per year.

Speaking on Wednesday during the launch of the program at Kigumo health centre, Governor Kang'ata said the program is meant to lift the medical burden off the shoulders of vulnerable people.

The registration drive is being conducted by grassroots committees compromised of administration officers, church leaders, representatives from county government and the area MCA.

The team will identify vulnerable people in society and vet their eligibility for the cover.


Citizen TV Irungu Kang'ata Murang'a County Citizen Digital NHIF Kang'ata Care Medical cover

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