Mudavadi urges renewed, concerted efforts to achieve lasting peace in Eastern DRC

Mudavadi urges renewed, concerted efforts to achieve lasting peace in Eastern DRC

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi addresses the World Leaders’ Climate Action Summit on November 12, 2024. Photo: Musalia Mudavadi

There is need for renewed and concerted efforts towards addressing the deteriorating humanitarian and security situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has said.

Mudavadi said the security situation remains fragile with the conflict escalating and rapidly mutating into other forms of threats to human security and dignity such as sexual exploitation, abuse and gender-based violence as a mode of war, illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources and erosion of state institutions and authority.

The Prime CS who is the EAC council of ministers chair was speaking in Harare, Zimbabwe where he co-chaired the joint ministerial meeting for the East African Community, EAC, and the Southern African Development Community, SADC, to consider progress made on the implementation of the February 2025 resolutions adopted in Dar es Salaam by the Heads of State and Government on the fluid humanitarian and security situation in the eastern DRC.

“The directive by the Heads of State and Government to merge the Luanda and Nairobi processes calls for EAC and SADC to consider accelerating a unified process to avoid duplication of outcomes geared towards the same goal. We need to fast-track the immediate, medium and long-term implementation measures including resource and finance mobilization capacities aimed at supporting the peace process.” said Mudavadi.

Mudavadi regretted that several illegal armed groups including local and foreign militias have continuously precipitated protracted insecurity and the displacement of populations. He emphasized that all parties must converge at table for talks as the only potent option to bring sustainable peace in DRC.

“The rising humanitarian toll calls for urgent regional and international intervention to prevent further suffering and displacements. It is high time the consolidation and adoption of key resolutions takes place before the situation further runs out of control.” said Mudavadi.

“There is need for immediate cessation of hostilities and ceasefire as a precursor to the ongoing peace initiatives since all warrying factors should be willing to dialogue in search of a long-lasting solution.” added Mudavadi.

Monday’s ministers’ meeting deliberated on among other issues the report by the EAC-SADC Chiefs of Defence following the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam meetings, and addressed other residual issues related to the attainment of sustainable peace and security in eastern DRC.

Mudavadi presented Kenya’s position vouching for non-partisan, non-coercive and collective process based on diplomatic and political initiatives collectively driven by African leadership.

“As we look into a future, we need to calibrate mechanisms where African problems and challenges get African solutions through Africa led processes. Many other countries outside Africa have now shown clear signs that they are focusing on their own issues and this is a wake-up call for Africa.” noted Mudavadi.

“We should uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of DRC including the need to minimize the influence of extra Africa (actors outside the continent) such as involvement of mercenaries and foreign militaries, and imposition of unilateral sanctions by the West against Rwanda, thus overstepping the authority of regional organizations including the AU, EAC, SADC, and even the UN.” he added.

He said EAC and SADC joint efforts appreciate the need for the International Community to support the Regional and Continental initiatives to restore peace and stability in Eastern DRC, but this should be confined to the framework adopted under the ongoing new initiative.

He urged the ministers to support the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 2773 Resolution adopted by the Security Council at its 9865th meeting, on 21 February 2025, which among others endorses regional efforts including that one by the African Union (AU), the East African Community (EAC), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and in particular notes the high-level meetings and the efforts under Luanda and Nairobi mediation processes.

He highlighted the request by the AU to set up a Joint AU/EAC/SADC Coordination Mechanism to provide technical support to enhance, coordinate and complement the Luanda and Nairobi Processes, in close coordination and collaboration with other concerned Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Mechanisms (RMs).

“ I commend the African Union for endorsing the Communique of the Joint EAC-SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government convened on 8 February 2025 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; the Communique of the Extraordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) held on 31 January 2025; and the Communique of the 24th Extraordinary Summit of the East Africa Community Heads of State on the recent developments in Eastern Democratic of the Congo held on 29 January 2025. In this we are looking at the support from AU especially in resource mobilization capacities and mechanisms on how to access peace funds to support the process.” noted Mudavadi.

The Harare meeting resolved that there is an urgent need to conclude the appointment of the expanded panel of facilitators to aid in the ongoing process with names of former African leaders being fronted including ex-presidents Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and former Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn of Ethiopia to lead regional peace efforts.

There was a call for the inclusion of a fourth facilitator drawn from the SADC bloc in consideration of the gender balance for a female leader to be recommended to join the existing list ahead of the ratification by the Heads of State Summit slated for 31st March 2025. 


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