Ksh.900K watch, Ksh.80K shoe and Ksh.50K belt; Murkomen lists his most expensive items

Ksh.900K watch, Ksh.80K shoe and Ksh.50K belt; Murkomen lists his most expensive items

A collage of Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen, Gucci shoes and Hublot Classic Fusion Ceramic King Gold watch.

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has lifted the lid on the most expensive items in his wardrobe amid concerns by the public regarding his flashy lifestyle and source of wealth.

During an interview on the Obinna TV show, Murkomen revealed that he owns a Ksh.900,000 watch while the most expensive shoe is Ksh.80,000. Further, he also owns a Ksh.50,000 belt and a Ksh.20,000 tie. In total, his attire amounted to an average of Ksh.1.1 million. 

The CS confirmed his weakness in purchasing expensive items but pointed out that he would correct his mistakes by diverting his cash into profitable investments. 

"In this life we're living, there are things that are vanity that you end up buying. I appreciate comments that have come from Kenyans. Had I taken this money to invest in money market, it would have earned it me interest. That is my weakness but I'm willing to correct myself," he said. 

With his obsession for watches dating back to 1991, Murkomen said that it originated from his father who bought him his first watch upon improving his performance in primary school. 

"My first watch I wore in 1991 in class 6. My father realised I had obsession with watches. He said if I become number 1 in class(I was normally number three or four), he would buy me a watch. My friend, I read and revised and ultimately became number 2. This is because the teachers did not allow me to become number one. They were wondering how in one term I moved from third place to first. In Home Science, I had 88 and the other guy 87. For some reason, I ended up having 85 and he beat me with one mark," he remarked. 

"I went home and cried. I told my dad I didn't manage despite me working hard. There was a time I read until my father told me to sleep and it was at 3:00 am. He felt pity on me and told me I had earned it. He bought me a Casio. So, the other day I was on official trip and I found Casio on one of the airports and I bought it to remind myself of the first watch I wore.  Even though the amount was Ksh.9,000 value wise it's more."

He cleared the air on the expensive watches that people expose online, saying that the amounts are not the true reflection of the actual cost. 

"There are two watches that keep circulating, the first one wasn't that expensive. The second one I bought it from a friend who sells watches. He sold me a Rolex at thirty per cent of the price and even gave me time to pay it slowly. I informed him that he had landed me in trouble. He told me that he wanted me to feel that I have spent something to hold it valuable but confirmed that it was the price that was circulating online," he pointed out. 

CS Murkomen has earned the reputation of being one of the most expensively dressed CSs as his attires have elicited debate from Kenyans who are grappling with the tough economic conditions. 

From imported designer suits, Gucci shoes to Hublot Classic Fusion Ceramic King Gold watch, Kenyans have called him out for his lavish lifestyle. 

This comes amid calls by Kenyans for the government to account for the revenue spent and seal corruption loopholes.

Further, the public has called for a lifestyle audit on government officials to determine their source of wealth. 

During an X Space conversation on Friday, President William Ruto confirmed that he has had to call some of his officials out for what he termed as "obnoxious opulence."

" I agree some of our officials are arrogant and some display obnoxious opulence, if I may say that which doesn't just anger the public. Sometimes I call them and give them a peace of my mind... When you are in my position, you are a father figure and some of these young people get excited about many things and sometimes do the wrong thing," Ruto stated. 

"I have said that I know what's going on and have promised I will be making changes."


Kipchumba Murkomen Citizen TV Citizen Digital flashy lifestyle

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