Kericho: Defilement suspect dies by suicide inside a police cell

Kericho: Defilement suspect dies by suicide inside a police cell

A defilement suspect being held at the Ainamoi police station committed suicide early Monday morning, just as officers were about to take him to court. 

The 35-year-old defilement suspect from Kiburet village was arrested last week for the heinous crime. 

According to Ainamoi location Chief Richard Bett, the suspect, Peter Bett, died by suicide after hanging himself with a shoelace. 

Bett claimed the suspect was alone in the cell at the time. 

His body was discovered by police officers stationed at the station, who noticed a body dangling from the cell's window grills as they prepared to transport him to Kericho law courts.

He claimed the suspect hanged himself in the early hours of last night.

The suspect was arrested last Friday after defiling an 8-year-old girl for more than three hours after locking her inside her home.

The girl had gone to the neighbouring house to get milk when she was confronted by the assailant, who grabbed her and dragged her to his house, repeatedly defiling her.

After committing the heinous act, the suspect threatened the girl with unspecified consequences should she speak about the act. 

However, the girl was forced to report the incident to her parents after they became suspicious of the way she walked.

Medical reports stated that the girl was defiled.


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