'It is your right to demonstrate,' President Ruto tells Kenyans as he defends Finance Bill 2024

President William Ruto now says demonstrations against the contentious Finance Bill, 2024 are a democratic right of every Kenyan.

President Ruto, who spoke at State House in Nairobi on Wednesday, maintained that the ongoing protests will not cripple the decision-making process by relevant institutions.

He said the three arms of government will work in tandem to find solutions and steer the country forward.

“Civil society is free to do what they want to do; those who want to demonstrate, they can demonstrate, it is their right, no problem, but decisions have to be made by institutions,” said Ruto.

“We make decisions as the Executive, we take it to the Legislature, people will speak to it through public participation, others through a court process, that is how democracy works, and I am a great believer in democracy. I will make sure Kenya continues to be a robust democracy where people speak their minds and we all assist in taking the country where we want it to be.”

The sentiments by the President come even as peaceful protestors on Tuesday were met with a fierce response from police officers leading to chaos and running battles in Nairobi's CBD.

Some people were injured as police lobbed teargas in the air, with the protestors set to return to the streets again on Thursday.


William Ruto Protests Citizen Digital Finance Bill

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