I will tithe first: Nairobi mum wins Ksh.500,000 in Jipange Na Viusasa promotion

I will tithe first: Nairobi mum wins Ksh.500,000 in Jipange Na Viusasa promotion

Grace Mwangi won Ksh. 500,000 courtesy of Jipange Na Viusasa promotion. She is one of the 70 winners Viusasa has awarded since the promotion began in September. Photo/Viusasa News.

Grace Mwangi was busy at work when she received a call from Viusasa announcing her as the winner of Ksh. 500,000 in the ongoing Jipange Na Viusasa promotion.

She had no premonition that good fortune would pay her a memorable visit that Wednesday afternoon.

“The feeling was amazing, almost unreal because I had not expected to win. I actually thought it was the usual online cons, playing games on me, but I was able to verify that indeed I had won courtesy of Viusasa,” Grace told Viusasa News.

Grace plans to spend most of the money on her daughters’ school fees.

“I will first set aside God’s tithe, then proceed to clear school fees for my children. I can assure them that their entire school fees will be sorted.

“Jipange Na Viusasa imetusort. So, go to school and work hard my children. Viusasa wametupanga,” said Grace in a touching message to her children.  

Grace has been an active subscriber of Viusasa for years, where she gets to enjoy a wide range for products and services.

“I am a subscriber and consumer of Viusasa content, and love to watch soaps like Becky. I also like the fact that it’s very cheap; paying only Ksh.60 per week and watching a lot of videos,” she said.   

About Jipange Na Viusasa Promotion

‘Jipange Na Viusasa promotion’ seeks to enhance customer experience through promotion of content on its platform. The promotion awards participants watch points based on the number of video packages one buys to watch.

Participants are free to buy as many videos as possible with video packages costing Ksh.50 and Ksh.99. 

Kenyans who participate stand a chance of winning Ksh.100,000 daily, and Ksh.500,000 weekly. Participants also stand a chance of winning Ksh.3, 000,000 grand prize.

So far, 62 Kenyans have each won Ksh.100,000 awarded daily. The weekly draw has so far produced eight winners; each pocketing Ksh.500,000. The weekly draw is conducted live on Citizen TV every Wednesday.

How to participate

To take part, all you need to do is dial x487x3# and select ‘Jipange na Viusasa’ option. Select any of the video package options and pay Ksh.50 or Ksh99. You will receive an SMS indicating the number of points you have accumulated. One needs to buy more videos to increase their chances of winning and enjoy a wide catalogue of video shows.


Viusasa Jipange na Viusasa promotion winners

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